Tenant Placement for Conway Arkansas Duplex

Tenant Placement for Conway Arkansas Duplex

Cory Cox here with Clear Property Management. Just wanted to show y’all that we are doing a tenant placement here in Conway. We are at a duplex over here by Hendrix College. This unit was so popular, but we were able to get somebody in here, I think in three or four days. So it was pretty good for us to do a quick turnaround like that. We usually try and process our applications pretty quickly. They are about to come here and sign and everything else like that.

But yeah, this should be a pretty good little property right here. It’s kind of on a small little cul-de-sac. But as you can see, it’s been completely updated. We’ve got some new paint on the walls. Everything’s nice and pretty. Yeah, got a little laundry room right there. Kitchen is awesome. Good size living room and stuff like that. But this property was actually rehabbed, I think in 2018, I believe somewhere around there.

But anyways, but yeah, it’s going to be a really good little rental property for somebody. But yeah, it’s just a good two bed one bath duplex and like I said, we are here in Conway. If you ever need somebody for property management needs here in the Central Arkansas area, give us a call. We would love to help. Thanks.

Clear Property Management
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