Rental Home Prep In Cold Weather

Rental Home Prep In Cold Weather
Hey, everybody. It is Cory with Clear Property Management. I am currently actually driving around looking at some of our vacant properties.

If you keep up with our weather here, we got probably about 10 to 12 inches, probably probably 10 inches of snow the past couple of days. I know for some of you that aren’t living here, you might think, “Ah, that’s nothing. That’s a dusting.” But for Arkansas, that is pretty significant. I’m actually trying to remember in my recent memory, just the last time that it actually snowed that actual much, and I’m just not too sure, to be honest with you. It was a pretty snow. It was real light, tons of snowmen and everything else like that, which is great. Typically Arkansas will get ice, lots and lots of ice, so the roads really ain’t bad. I’m actually driving around right now. Everything’s great, which is awesome. But yeah, they’re taking care of the roads, everything else like that’s great so it’s able to get around.

One thing that I just wanted to jump on here and just say real quick though, our company really does, truly do care about your rental properties and your investments. Some of our tenants actually reached out to us. Well, to preface this, about a week or so ago, maybe two weeks, our temperature started going down really, really bad into the low teens, and I don’t think we ever hit single digits, but it was definitely low teens.

We started emailing out tenants, “Hey, this is what you do. This is what you don’t do,” blah, blah, blah. “Make us aware if there any issues,” just everything, space heater, safety and everything else like that. So it was really good to start communicating out with our tenants. We try not to blow them up at the same time too. We really try to stay top of mind because for you as the owner out there, you are concerned about your property and even as the resident as well. I mean, they’re concerned about their property too. They might not own the place, but I feel definitely for the most part right there, our residents really do care. They take pride in where they live and honestly, you as the owner, us as the property management company, we really try and have that feeling for everybody across the board. Are we perfect? Definitely not, but we really try and do a really good job.

With that we started communicating out with them, drip your faucets, do all the things out there. Obviously with the snow it becomes hard to commute and everything. Some of our tenants that we just moved in, they weren’t fully moved in yet and they were coming from different cities and stuff like that, so they communicated out with us, “Hey, I can’t get by there to drip our faucets. Can you go over there?” “Sure.” So that’s just something else we did.

Obviously all our vacant properties and stuff like that too, we were checking in on them, making sure everything’s good, faucets are dripping, cabinet doors are open, heat is on, and everything else like that. So it was good to be able to really help out everybody in this time right there.

So, with that, like I said, I just wanted to comment really on the weather and just these little extra things that some of these other management companies don’t always do. Not cracking down on them or anything else like that but I just like to say what we actually do as a company. And because preventative maintenance is the best kind of maintenance right there. I mean, it really is. I would much rather do two steps beforehand than to have to do one really big step once crap hits the fan.

So, with that, if you’ve got rental property in central Arkansas, currently I’m in Conway right now, but we manage from Conway to a bit in the Cabot and anywhere in between right there. A lot of ours are in Conway and Little Rock. That’s where most of our rentals are. But if you’ve got rentals and you’re looking for a property management company that wants to help you out, then hey, we’re here. We’d love to be able to help. Just give us a call. All right, have a great day.
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